background-color: black <!-- Images are generated elsewhere and simply loaded here. --> <style type="text/css"> .pull-lleft { float: left; width: 15%; } .pull-lright { float: right; width: 84%; } .pull-lright ~ * { clear: both; } </style> .pull-left[ <img src="libs/images/unknown_grass_valley.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <br><br><br><br> .white[ Principals - David Zeanah, Brian F. Codding, <br> D. Craig Young, Robert Elston Field Directors - Paul Algaier, Eric Martin, Kate Magargal, <br> Ryan Bradshaw, Martijn Kuypers Person responsible for current analysis - Kenneth B. Vernon <br> 2021-04-21 ] ] --- background-image: url("archaeological_context.png") background-size: contain ## Archaeological<br>Context --- background-image: url("lake_topo.png") background-size: contain .pull-left[ <br> __Question__: What explains Prearchaic settlement patterns in Grass Valley, Nevada? ] --- background-image: url("lake_topo.png") background-size: contain .pull-left[ <br> __Question__: What explains Prearchaic settlement patterns in Grass Valley, Nevada? <br> __Hypothesis__: Individuals should occupy the most suitable habitats first, meaning those in which they can maximize their inclusive fitness. ] --- background-image: url("lake_topo.png") background-size: contain .pull-left[ <br> __Question__: What explains Prearchaic settlement patterns in Grass Valley, Nevada? <br> __Hypothesis__: Individuals should occupy the most suitable habitats first, meaning those in which they can maximize their inclusive fitness. <br> __Observation__: The rich, marshy environment surrounding the Pleistocene lake likely included the most profitable patches in the valley. Thus, ] --- background-image: url("lake_topo.png") background-size: contain .pull-left[ <br> __Question__: What explains Prearchaic settlement patterns in Grass Valley, Nevada? <br> __Hypothesis__: Individuals should occupy the most suitable habitats first, meaning those in which they can maximize their inclusive fitness. <br> __Observation__: The rich, marshy environment surrounding the Pleistocene lake likely included the most profitable patches in the valley. Thus, <br> __Prediction__: Prearchaic sites are expected to occur at greater densities in proximity to the Pleistocene lake. ] --- background-image: url("prearchaic_density.png") background-size: contain ## Prearchaic Site Density --- # Spatial Thinning <img src="libs/images/thinning_one.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Spatial Thinning <img src="libs/images/thinning_two.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Spatial Thinning <img src="libs/images/thinning_three.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Regression adjustment The __actual density__ of archaeological sites, `\(\lambda(s)\)`, is the outcome of scientific interest. Simple log-linear model: $$ log\; \lambda(s) = \alpha + \beta x(s) $$ <br> -- However, this is subject to __sampling bias__, `\(b(s)\)`. Also, a simple log-linear model: $$ log\; b(s) = \gamma + \delta z(s) $$ <br> -- Simple linear response means we can combine them into a joint model of the __observed density__: $$ log\; \lambda(s)b(s) = (\alpha + \gamma) + \beta x(s) + \delta z(s) $$ --- ## Density Model $$ \lambda(s) = \text{Time Period} * (\text{Lake} + \text{Springs} + \text{Streams}) $$ <img src="libs/images/density-explanatory.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Observation Model $$ b(s) = \text{Distance to Road} + \text{Deposition Age} $$ .pull-left[ <br> <img src="libs/images/density-observation_road.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="libs/images/density-observation_landform.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0;" /> ] --- ## Results <img src="libs/images/margins-explanatory.png" width="85%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ Lake proximity currently __not significant__ for Prearchaic. ] --- ## Results <img src="libs/images/margins-observation.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ Deposition age currently __not significant__. ] --- background-image: url("lake_topo.png") background-size: contain .pull-left[ <br> __Question__: What explains Prearchaic settlement patterns in Grass Valley, Nevada? <br> __Hypothesis__: Individuals should occupy the most suitable habitats first, meaning those in which they can maximize their inclusive fitness. <br> __Observation__: The rich, marshy environment surrounding the Pleistocene lake likely included the most profitable patches in the valley. Thus, <br> __Prediction__: Prearchaic sites are expected to occur at greater densities in proximity to the Pleistocene lake. ] --- ## Lingering Issues __Environmental homogeneity__. -- - Hard to tease out environmental drivers of settlement. <br> -- __Sampling bias__, again. -- - This analysis accounts for only _surface_ sampling bias, and that only partially. - Heaps of sampling bias likely still occur in intensely surveyed areas. <br> -- __Equifinality__. -- - The same observed density, `\(\lambda(s)b(s)\)`, could result from - different combinations of `\(\alpha\)` and `\(\gamma\)`, and - different combinations of `\(x(s)\)` and `\(z(s)\)` when those are highly correlated. --- background-image: url("survey_intensity.png") background-size: contain ## Conclusion Need to... -- * expand __geographic range__. -- * invest in more __targeted inventory__, and -- * incorporate __research history__ as prior. --- background-image: url("green_grass_valley.jpg") background-size: contain ## Acknowledgments Special thanks to * The University of Utah Archaeological Center Lab Group * Kristen Hawkes and James F. O'Connell * Kurt Wilson and Kasey Cole * Peter Yaworsky, Weston McCool, and Kate Magargal * Jon Wilker and the Gund Ranch Crew .pull-lleft[ <div style = "margin-right: 0;"> <img src="" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> </div> ] .pull-lright[ This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation <br> under Grant No. (BCS-1632521, -1632522, -1632526). ]