Lecture 13: Poisson Regression


đź“‹ Lecture Outline

  1. Gaussian v Poisson
  2. Assumptions
  3. Gaussian outcomes
  4. Poisson outcomes
  5. Offset
  6. Dispersion

Gaussian v Poisson



  1. Linearity
  2. Homoscedasticity
  3. Normality
  4. Independence


  1. Log-linearity
  2. Mean = Variance
  3. Poisson
  4. Independence

Gaussian response

Assume length is Gaussian with

\(Var(\epsilon) = \sigma^2\)
\(E(Y) = \mu = \beta X\)

Question What is the probability that we observe these data given a model with parameters \(\beta\) and \(\sigma^2\)?

Poisson GLM

Counts arise from a Poisson process with expectation \(E(Y) = \lambda\) and

\[log\,\lambda = \beta X\]

By taking the log, this constrains the expected count to be greater than zero.

Estimated coefficients:

\(\beta_0 = 0.7074\)
\(\beta_1 = 1.2442\)

⚠️ Coefficients are on the log scale! To get counts, need the exponent.

\(\beta_0 = exp(0.7074) = 2.0286\)
\(\beta_1 = exp(1.2442) = 3.4701\)

For a one unit increase in elevation, the count of sites increases by 3.4701.

A count relative to what?

Survey blocks? Need to account for area in our sampling strategy!


Model the density

\[log\;(\lambda_i/area_i) = \beta X\] Equivalent to

\[log\;(\lambda_i) = \beta X + log\;(area_i)\]

Still linear! Still modeling counts!

Estimated coefficients:

\(\beta_0 = 1.3899\)
\(\beta_1 = 1.0537\)

For these, the log Likelihood is

\(\mathcal{l} = -444.0432\)


  • For exponential family of distributions, variance is a function of the mean:

\[Var(\epsilon) = \phi \mu\]

where \(\phi\) is a scaling parameter, assumed to be equal to 1, meaning the variance is assumed to be equal to the mean.

  • When \(\phi > 1\), this is called over-dispersion. When \(\phi < 1\), it’s under-dispersion.

Check for over-dispersion

Rule of thumb: compare model’s residual deviance to its degrees of freedom. Values greater than one indicate over-dispersion.

For our site count model, that’s

\(D = 288.1438\)
\(df = 98\)

\(D/df = 2.9402\)

Can also test for dispersion using a simple linear model where

\[Var(\epsilon) = \mu + \alpha \mu\]

If variance is equal to the mean, then \(\alpha = 0\).

estimate statistic null p.value
1.8372 5.1420 0.0000 0.0000

Accounting for dispersion

Two strategies:

  1. quasi-Poisson
  2. negative binomial

⚠️ Trade-offs! QP doesn’t use MLE. NB can’t be fit with stats::glm().

Est. S.E. t p
(Intercept) 1.314 0.120 10.986 <0.001
elevation 1.077 0.076 14.197 <0.001